Thursday, June 24, 2010

Leo and M Doing Work of Great Importance

In the past, Leo has frequently come home and done some work sitting at the dining room table.

We have moved the table, but the habit seems to die hard.

Also, M looked back down

thusly, and so I whistled at her to see if she would respond to that and lift her head.

She's not the only one that responds to a whistle.

I am, however, going to need to get my father to teach me his piercing two-fingered whistle.  All of his children - no matter how old or how long they've been out of his house - respond to that whistle in the "drop everything and come running" manner in which we were trained.  But every time I try that whistle, all I get is "pphhtt," which is a less carrying sort of sound.

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