Tuesday, August 24, 2010

I Want To Be Like Daddy

Margaret and Leo spend a lot of time lying on the floor together, thinking great thoughts.  But Margaret has been feeling lately that it's highly unfair that Leo gets a computer, and all she has are these silly chew toys, even if they are nubbly and frequently cold (if I've remembered to put them in the refrigerator, that is.  But I usually do.  Or rather, I have acquired a large enough supply that I almost always have several in the refrigerator.  It's called knowing your own strengths and weaknesses and planning accordingly).

So the other day, with the help of her brave Uncle Ron, who put his wireless device at risk for this photo op, Margaret Did Something About The Shameful Computer Inequity In This Household.*

Cute though it is, it raises questions about when we need to get her a computer.  2?  3?  Will they be requiring laptops for kindergarten by the time she's 5?

*This is capitalized to show that she meant business.

1 comment:

  1. Adorable. All she needs is an ipod shuffle on her chest. Can't wait to (finally) meet her in a few weeks!
