Thursday, August 12, 2010

We're Home

We made it home yesterday, after a long-ish day of travel.  Margaret behaved beautifully, and only tried to eat one flight attendant.  And to be fair, he was asking for it.  He handed her his finger, and if that's not an incitement to gnawing, I don't know what is.

Anyway, Seatac has this really nice family security line, which pretty much means that if you're traveling with a kid, you bypass the line at security, and there are nice people to help you fold up your stroller to put it through the conveyor belt.  You still have to take your shoes off, take your computer out, get the bottles of breast milk out of the bag, load them into little trays, deconstruct the stroller and carseat combo to send through the x-ray, all while balancing your squirmy infant on one arm.  It's enough to make you forget about your cell phone in your pocket.  Not that I did that.  But hypothetically, if I did, it might mean that Margaret got to get wanded for the first time.  New experiences, that's what travel is all about.

Still, we got to our gate in plenty of time to give Margaret a little rolling time before we sat on the plane.

She had time to subdue the wild Crinkly Elephant.

She made the world safe for all those people that don't like Crinkly Blue Elephants.

Also, she has clearly learned the value of camouflage* in stalking stuffed toys.  They get comfortable in a sea of polka dots and don't notice when the ones towing the purple ruffles come and eat them. 

*Also, the u in this word is sneaky.  I keep thinking that it goes after the a, but it really goes after the o.  This is no doubt some sort of camouflage on its part. 

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