Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Losing My Readership

I am aware that there has been a long gap in my posts.  The reasons for this are many and various.  To wit:

1) My computer has been being recalcitrant; in Washington, it ate it’s power source alive, which meant that I was dependent on Ron, who was understandably hesitant to lend his power source to a computer which destroyed them.

2) I was in Washington, where the internet is slow and uploading pictures takes FOREVER.

3) When not in Washington, I was driving across the country with Margaret, which was tiring and hot and didn’t leave a lot of free time, though those of you on facebook got kept up to date, because I can post to that from my phone.

And finally, the one that I think holds the most water, 4) I’m pregnant again, which means that I have spent the past month and a half napping when Margaret naps, going to bed when she goes to bed, and generally feeling like a puddle of nauseated porridge.  Nauseated porridge doesn’t have to write posts on blogs.

Anyway, I imagine that you’re all giving me a skeptical look, sort of like this one:


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