Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Margaret Eats A Logger Burger

There is, on the Olympic Peninsula, a place called Joyce, and in that place there is a restaurant called The Joyce Family Kitchen.  If you read their blurb, you will notice that they spend a lot of time talking about their claim to “fame,” the Logger Burger.*

So we got one for Margaret.


Actually, we took 13 adults and 3 children, and we ate 4.  I think that Margaret was upset after this picture when we took the whole burger away from her and made her make do with scraps.  She was so ready to just dive right in.

*We’re tolerably certain that few actual loggers were harmed to make these burgers, but on the other hand, loggers are becoming a scarcer and scarcer breed, and one possible explanation is that for the past 35 years, they’ve been being harvested to make Logger Burgers.  But probably not.

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