Tuesday, August 16, 2011

The Downside of Baby Sign Language

Baby sign language is a big thing, and in general, I approve.  It’s really nice to be able to communicate with your child before she can actually talk, and it makes for a less frustrated baby.  We taught Margaret the sign for “more,” which she interpreted to be the sign for “food,” which – as that was more or less what we were going for – we let slide.

It means that she has for months been able to mutter about being hungry while I pushed her around the grocery store.

She has recently learned to say “banana" (well, “nana,” but it means banana), and she loves that she can ask for a specific type of food.  But I digress.

Anyway, all I have talked about is the upside of sign language, but last night, Leo made an interesting observation, which I will reproduce for posterity: he noticed that the problem with teaching your baby sign language is that it means that even when the baby’s mouth is stuffed so full that they can’t possibly fit another morsel into it, they can still ask for more.  And they do.





I’d have taken a video of this, but it’s really best to be able to pick and choose your less messy shots.  After all, immediately after this picture, she decided that it was just too much, took the partially chewed banana out of her mouth, and tried again, with greater success.  You guys didn’t want to see that, did you?

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