Thursday, April 28, 2011

Margaret Ruminates*

Last night, we went out to Blueberry Hill to celebrate that I have gotten the nubbin of a real job (teaching high school!  Part time!  This is awesome! Pays twice as much as current job!  Woohoo!).

Margaret continued her fascination with plastic Easter eggs.


Unfortunately, she has gotten the idea that she is supposed to eat them.  This is worrisome, but she hasn’t gotten them lodged anywhere yet.

I am particularly fond of the somewhat absent-minded look she has here, which suggests that she has a soul above plastic eggs, and is only eating them absent-mindedly while contemplating the meaning of life or other such topics.

*Not really.  We’ve had her checked, and she’s only got the one stomach.

1 comment:

  1. Wow! Congrats on the job!! And when they do stupid shit, as teenagers are wont to do, you can calmly remind yourself that you are preparing them so they won't drive their college instructor mad.
