Friday, June 10, 2011

Margaret’s Toilette

(No, not like that).

Margaret has developed an interest in what is going on with her hair.  She likes hairbows.  Not enough to keep them in her hair, but she brings them to me, tries to put them on the top of her head, and then squawks at me to make them stay in for 30 seconds so she can tear them out all by herself.

Some mornings, I brush her hair while she’s eating because she is immobilized, and it makes it easier.

Some mornings, when I do that, she demands that I give her the hairbrush as well as her breakfast, because she likes to have everything she could possibly want within her reach.

And then she tries to brush her hair, though she gets the back of the brush more often than the front.

At the very end of this video, you can hear Margaret’s new word.  She has learned how to say “uh-oh,” though for her it doesn’t so much mean “whoops, oh dear, that was a mistake” so much as it means “did you see how far I threw that thing, Mom?”  I cut off a bit of it, because I was already in the process of stopping the camera when she said it, but it’s mostly there.

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