Monday, October 3, 2011

Margaret, the Spaghetti Miser

It has been said that the love of money is the root of all evil.*  Although Margaret is making strides towards understanding and participating in the market economy – she gets that she has to put things on the conveyer belt at the grocery store, but that they will be returned to her later – she hasn’t yet really grasped what money is.  I thus find this picture somewhat disturbing, as she seems to be clutching her spaghetti to her chest and hiding it from view.


(And yes, my baby does eat her spaghetti topless, because she doesn’t really keep her bib on as well as we would like, and she is not a tidy spaghetti eater).

On the other hand, for all her lovingly dwelling on her possession of spaghetti, she does seem to understand on some level what it is for, and there’s that.





And then it was bath time.  Because her table manners haven’t gotten to the point where she realizes she shouldn’t smear her dinner in her hair.

*Actually, it’s “Radix malorum est cupiditas” which can also be translated as “the love of money is the radish of all evil, which makes more sense in the context of this post.  Less sense in the context of reality, but that’s not really my concern here.

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