Monday, February 7, 2011

Yon Lion’s Et Albert

When I was small, my mother used to recite a poem to me which narrated the consumption of a youngster named Albert by a lion.*  I’d never thought that I would have cause to quote it in relation to my own offspring, but life doesn’t always treat you the way you expect.**

We went to the zoo yesterday.


Because the weather was so nice, don’t you know.  And we saw a leopard or a cheetah or some such, and Leo and Ron thought that it would be nice if Margaret could see, but they didn’t want to take her out of her stroller because she gets quite cross when one tries to put her back in.

So they did this.


Here is what Margaret and I thought of this attempt to feed her to a large feline.


*It’s really quite funny.  See?

**Margaret didn’t, in case you were worrying, get eaten by a lion.


  1. I believe the original quotation was, "Yon lion's et our Albert."

  2. Not in the text available on the internet.
