Friday, September 30, 2011

Child Labor Laws? What Child Labor Laws?

We’ve always felt that we were the sort of parents who were going to turn out self-sufficient children who weren’t used to being waited on hand and foot.  We thought this because we don’t make enough money to employ a staff for our home, and because we’re certainly not going to wait on our children had and foot.

It seems to be working in Margaret’s case.  She will wander around the kitchen and close cupboard and pantry doors for me.*  She sweeps things.  She cleans her own face and high-chair tray after a meal.  I mean, she doesn’t clean them well, but she certainly swipes a wet cloth over them. 

So I shouldn’t have been surprised when she tried her hand at yard work.

She found a fertilizer cart unattended.


So she took matters into her own hands.


She works hard.


Very hard.


Unfortunately, she couldn’t get the thing to move, so she had to let it be.


I wish she didn’t look quite so much like she expected me to do something about this problem.

*She also opens them for me when I don’t want them opened, and occasionally tries her hand at getting into the highly poisonous cleaning materials under the kitchen sink.  But I’ve foiled her there, because I keep the highly poisonous cleaning fluids in the bathroom cupboard, which is a pain to get into.  One step ahead, that’s what I am.

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