Friday, August 20, 2010

Bonding With Daddy

One of the more endearing* traits of Leo's personality is that whenever new technology comes into the house, he commandeers it and investigates it.

Margaret inherited this, along with his ears and apparently his mouth.

And since all technology is new to her, she really has a field day with it.  My phone is a source of constant wonder, though all she wants to do with it is put it in her mouth.  In fact, when I'm talking to someone, she will be chatting away in the background, but when I put the phone close to her so the person can "talk" to her, she clams up and starts trying to shove the phone in her mouth.

In the evenings, Leo spends time down on the floor with her.  He brings his laptop for entertainment.

We're not sure whether it's to entertain Leo or Margaret.

I'm not sure she's figured out that the screen isn't real.**  But she's got the keyboard all figured.

The mouse?  Not so much.

But she and her daddy certainly bond over it.

*I'm using this word loosely.  I say endearing because this is a family blog, and I don't want to use the words that actually describe said trait.

**This may be because the screen is, in fact, real.  But she hasn't figured out that you can't grab the things depicted on the screen.

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