Wednesday, August 25, 2010

RIP Animal Swing

We've had the animal swing for almost as long as we've had Margaret, and it has served us well, even if it was superseded by the bouncy chair for several months.

We started using the swing again when Margaret got so heavy that she grazed the ground in her bouncy chair.

But I think that she's reached the end of the swing's capacities too, which is sad, and limits her chair choice to her high chair and sitting up on her own.

It starts off looking fairly benign.

Though you can tell she's plotting something, and what she's plotting is mayhem and climbing.  See her considering her options?

That is a calculating little look.  Followed by action.

Slow and careful action, but action nonetheless.  And she keeps going.

I'm positive that this isn't safe, and I'm even more positive that she shouldn't be getting her nutritional needs met in this way.

Of course, she seems to think it is a wonderful idea, and tasty besides.

And then when I say she shouldn't, she goes back to looking innocent.

I'm going to pay for her having been an easy baby, I know I am.

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