Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Ice Cream!

We went to the beach this morning (more on that later, when the pictures from my phone finish loading up), and on the way back, we stopped at Granny’s Café for lunch.  Granny’s Café* is a tasty place to eat, but it is really better known (and loved) for its ice cream.  So after Margaret ate her lunch, we had some ice cream, and Margaret managed it herself.


Sometimes you have to be a little fierce with ice cream, but it learns its lesson eventually if you stay firm.


She did a good job of eating it, though it got a bit messy at the end when she thought that a good technique would be to puncture the cone and come at the ice cream from the bottom.  She got most of it out, though, despite my attempts to help her, attempts which were strenuously resisted. 

*I’m noticing that the autocorrect is adding the acute mark to café, and although I appreciate that this is technically correct, I would like to point out that there are few places on earth less likely to use the correct spelling of café. 

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