Thursday, January 26, 2012

Penguin’s Soup Party

Margaret got a stove and dishes and food for Christmas, and this has set off a mania for cooking and feeding people.*  It is specifically a fixation with cooking and serving soup to those people she deems appropriately receptive.  The other night, she refused to serve Leo any imaginary soup because of some nameless transgression of his.

She has also developed a fixation with a series of penguins.


There are, according to Margaret, a daddy penguin (enormous), a mommy penguin (medium), and a Margaret penguin (small).  I see that in the next few days, I need** to find either a very small penguin, or one between medium and enormous.  So large.

When she brings these two fixations together (which happens fairly often) she feeds the penguins.



She also does this without any clothes on, which makes it a little weirder, but who among us hasn’t hosted a naked dinner party for a penguin which was bigger than ourselves? 

*There’s definitely something wrong with that.  She doesn’t cook people, as far as I know, but I figure that taking time to fix the sentence will eat up more time than I have, since I am writing this while Margaret plays, and she may at any moment decide that I need to stop.  Of course, I’ve wasted all this time writing a footnote, so I might as well have fixed the first sentence, but going back is just throwing good moments after bad, and there’s no reason to do that, now is there?

**We’re using a somewhat specialized definition of “need” here.

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