Thursday, September 16, 2010

Descriptive Clothing

As you all know, I have issues with clothes that ventriloquize the baby.  I don't want Margaret running around (scootching?) in a shirt that says "I Love Mommy" without her express permission for such a shirt.  After all, perhaps all she feels for me is mild affection.  I want her to be able to decide what she feels comfortable telling the world.

Of course, she has these really cute monkey pants, which came with a set that has just such a shirt.  Seriously, the monkey on the rear of a crawling baby?  Too cute.

And so I let her wear the shirt with which I was somewhat uncomfortable, because heaven forbid that she NOT MATCH.

It says "Bananas Over Mommy," and that smudge is something to do with the camera, not the baby.

Anyway, apparently she can read, but is somewhat literalist in her interpretations, because when I fed her her dinner, she got bananas not only over me, but over herself and everything else she could reach.

Notice the banana in her hair.  It was a first for her, and we're all very proud, because it means that she can get her arm up that far.  Yay for the beginnings of proportionality!

Anyway, as it is a purely descriptive shirt, she can keep wearing it.

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