Thursday, June 10, 2010

The Baby Dances

As does Pat, actually.  In fact, were we to be completely truthful about things, we would, I think, have to admit that it was Pat who had danced, and M came along for the ride.

(Though I was dancing with her last night, and she tried to lead, which I think is excessive coming from someone whose feet don't touch the ground).

Before she started, she had to be talked into it.  I mean, you can't blame her for being a little nervous.

After she got started, however, she seemed to enjoy herself.

Seriously, does that not look like a very content baby?

Incidentally, if anyone is looking for some work that will tone their arms in short order, may I suggest dancing with the 20 pound baby?  It'll tire you out right quick.

Edit: Also, here is a picture where you can see more of Patrick than the back of his head.

He looks like he's having fun too.  But he's probably old enough to pretend for the camera.

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