Saturday, June 26, 2010

Miss Grabby McGrabberpants

Rolling over is blase.  M is completely over it.  I mean, she'll still do it if she has to, but the new in thing is definitely grabbing things.

Or possibly trying to sit up.

But grabbing things is right up there at the top of the list of things that the well-connected baby is doing.*

She will wrap her hands around things that she wants,

and bring it to her mouth.

Notice how she's keeping a wary eye on it.  These objects can be tricky.

Sometimes the bringing to the mouth misses a little low, and the thing gets hung up in the labyrinth of the neck.

And sometimes it misses too high, and she smacks herself in the eye with it.

Of course, sometimes the hand to mouth movement is just right, and then everything is happy.

 And you can see the combination of grabbing things and sitting up.  When we put M on her back these days, she lifts her head up and does some pretty impressive crunches.

She's getting to where she can do two things at once - sitting and waving.

Of course, all this concentration on grabbing things does lead to a little bit of slippage in the sitting department.

*Also, anyone who's anyone indulges in this pastime with as little clothing in the way as possible. 

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