Friday, May 13, 2011

And Oh, Father Christmas, If You Love Me At All, Or An Unseasonable Praise Of Big Red Balls

In the last year or so, I have developed a sophisticated understanding of the ratio of expenditure to enjoyment in children’s toys.

What I have come to understand is that if you spend a lot of money and (and this is the important thing) get something that is shipped in a big box, enjoyment will be had.

One purchase with a very favorable cost to fun ratio is the big plasticky, light-weight balls that one can get at the grocery store or Target or many dollar stores.  Margaret has been enjoying hers greatly.


She really likes lugging it about, no doubt realizing that if she falls while holding it, she will just bounce up again.


But one of the things that we have been working on is playing catch.  We’ve started on the easy end – Margaret throwing things for us to catch – and she’s doing really well.  I am, of course, quietly working on annoying phrases like “it’s catch not chase” and so forth, but in general we’ve kept these games of catch low-key.  And she’s really getting the whole throwing thing.


She’s particularly good at throwing her cup of milk.  We’re very proud of her.

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