Wednesday, May 18, 2011

More Ducks, And Some Aggressive Fish

Margaret and I have a deal; she puts up with me walking around the Botanical Garden pushing her in a stroller and occasionally saying “Look, Margaret, there is some flora!” and I let her out at the bridge to feed the ducks and fish.

It seems to work.

She likes feeding the ducks, and is making great strides in the throwing department.  The ducks live in the same pond as some koi, and they all come and try to get the food.

For those of you who don’t live in St. Louis, here is a picture of the seething mass of fishy duckiness that lives under the bridge.


It’s a wonder that the fish don’t eat the ducks, but I suppose they don’t have teeth.

Margaret gaped at them.


But she recovered, and tossed her handfuls of duck kibble into the gaping maws of the fishes and the ducks, and enjoyed herself.


And then, once the duck feed has been exhausted,* she looked for new entertainments.


*And that’s how you can tell Margaret’s a toddler – even the duck feed gets exhausted around her.

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