Saturday, July 17, 2010

That Stuffed Animal MOVES

Actually, I don't know that M really knows that much about stuffed animals, though I think we're getting to the point where we can give them to her and trust her not to kill herself.  This morning, however, she began to take much more notice of the not-stuffed* animal in our midst.

It started off as a simple photo op:  Hi Mom!  Look at me, sitting up.  And grabbing my toes.  That's called multi-tasking, that is.  I'll just turn my head and -- what is THAT THING?

Just going to take a closer look . . .

closer . . . closer . . .

Too close.

Well, maybe I'll move my head a little further back.

That's better.  Nope, I'm going in again.

The cat was tolerably patient, though he did stretch his claws toward the end, which is why he photo session came to a speedy halt.  I need to let her talons grow if they're really going to have a showdown.
*He's lost some weight.  No jokes please.

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