Saturday, July 10, 2010

Miss Grabby McGrabberpants and the Camera of Doom

As I mentioned before, M is very interested in latching her little hands around things.

This has the potential to become a problem when I'm trying to take a picture of her.

Because the camera is really exciting and it might be evil and if it is evil, then it's probably like the end of the town and why do you keep reading me that poem if you don't want me to learn that mothers can't do things on their own?*

Here, why don't you give it to me and I'll . . . oh, look, I have two hands.  Two!  Except one is stuck on the other and I can't . . . never mind.  Phew.  Got free.  Look, I just want the camera.

Also, note the awesome onesie that she is wearing.  It says (in case you can't read it) "And though she be but little, she is fierce."**  And she is a bit, though she's only little in comparison to real people, not compared to other babies.  I have just today packed up a bunch of 9 month clothes.  So she is both large and fierce.  Watch out!

*I'm ventriloquizing the baby.  Also, the poem of which she speaks is to be found here

** See here.

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