Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Any Bigger And I'll Be Paying Oversize Baggage Charges*

Margaret and I have once again gone to Washington, and I have to say that the current temperature is very, very nice.  It is sunny and clear out, but it's only about 60 degrees.  Margaret is wearing pants for the first time in months.  I'm wearing jeans.  There were sweaters involved in our lives earlier today.  It was marvelous.

Before we left, though, there was the issue of packing.  You may recall that the last time we came, there was some discussion of Margaret's status as personal item.  The solution that I proposed to this was to get a bigger suitcase, and since we were flying American instead of Southwest (with baggage charges)** I did indeed get a bigger suitcase, instead of carrying two bags.

Unfortunately, she's like a fish.

Also, she seemed relatively unexcited by the trip.

Or possibly she was just annoyed about this series of pictures in the suitcase.  Maybe she knows all about suitcases, and was not pleased at the prospect of being checked luggage.  You can see her point of view.

She cheered up, though, when she saw the shoe-bag (toiletries?  At any rate, some additional bag) at the end of the suitcase.

She then proceeded to try to stick her head inside it, which meant that the photo shoot had to stop.

Anyway, we're in sunny, cool Washington state, and one of us at least is very happy with the gate agent for American, who gave us an extra seat yesterday.  Margaret got to travel in style, like a real person.  It was very, very nice.

*Also, anyone who refers to my infant as an oversized baggage will be ON MY LIST (which is not the nice one that involves Christmas presents and letters and other good things, but rather the one that I intend to use when I am made Lord High Executioner and it happens that a victim must be found).

**See the first note and tread VERY CAREFULLY.

1 comment:

  1. That cranky look in the suitcase just confirms that she IS your daughter!
