Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Sisters Rock*

You remember how cute it was when Margaret brought flowers to Ellie again and again and again while we played in the backyard?  Well, Margaret has pretty much decimated the flower population back there – with the exception of the lilacs, which I will put a picture of below if only to make my mother purple with jealousy** – and so Margaret has had to turn to other gifts.


These other gifts, while something that Margaret loves, are perhaps slightly less baby-friendly.


Margaret has, in a word, begun to bring Ellie rocks.


Ellie does not find this offering worthy.

So Margaret started to bring them to me, mostly because I suggested that rocks aren’t really appropriate for babies.

So that was fun.  Still, it’s nice to know that I’m clearly raising a champion egg and spoon racer there.

*Sad and pathetic wordplay is where it’s at today.  Part of this is because I am bouncing Ellie’s bouncy chair with my toe while I write this, and it’s taking way more concentration than it ought to.  So I’m sorry.

**Most people go green with jealousy, but the lilacs are purple, so it’s clever, you see?

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