Friday, March 30, 2012

Summer Evenings*

Are spent, by all decent people, in the backyard.



And sensible people spend their evenings lying on the ground, enjoying the cool breeze and the scent of lilacs and the lazily buzzing bees and the sound of children playing in the distance.

Margaret is a sensible person, mostly.

But her mother spends the time sitting next to the bouncy chair or blanket, guarding Ellie from over-aggressive hugs.  This is also why there are fewer pictures of Ellie lying on the ground than there were of Margaret.  It’s hard to control the exuberance of her love.  And reading her Of Mice and Men as a bedtime story hasn’t really gotten things across to her.  Humph.

*It OUGHT to be summer, the weather we’ve been having.  And don’t tell me that 80 degrees is spring weather.  Decent, sensible places would only have temperatures like that in July.  It’s not my fault St. Louis is deeply confused.

1 comment:

  1. Is it possible to be a decent person if you don't have a backyard?
