Tuesday, February 25, 2014

John Had Great Big Waterproof Boots On*

One of the things that I have noticed about the second child is that we worry less about making sure that she has proper attire.  With Margaret, we were buying everything for the first time, so we made sure that it was the right thing and fit her,

With Ellie, we just stick her in what we have lying around.

Poor kid.

But we'll buy her her own college education with the money that we're spending, so that's something.

Anyway, for some reason we didn't get Margaret rubber boots when she was that age, so Ellie got some for her birthday, all her very own.

And she thinks they are great.

Even when she's in the doctor's office and feeling crummy.

* The poem referenced in the title of this post refers to a poem by (who else?) A.A. Milne.  It seems to sum up Ellie's feelings about her rain gear rather aptly.

John had
Great Big
Boots on;
John had a
Great Big
John had a
Great Big
Mackintosh --
And that
(Said John)

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