Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Baby Football

M got passed around in this last week.  I would say that her feet never touched the floor, but that's pretty much every week, as her feet are still purely decorative.  (And even more so, since she got new pairs of shoes while we were in Port Angeles.  One pair is very trendy, and the other pair is a pair of work boots.  Decorative work boots.  There's something weird going on with that).

Here she is with my parents.  We're trying to recreate a picture taken of them with a niece of mine, to show the difference in scale.

She also got passed around to various of her cousins.

I love that in this picture with Daniel holding her, she and Nathan have the same expression on their

Also, Hannah went to kindergarten this year and learned the important skill of making bunny ears in photos.  Does anyone remember why that is hysterically funny in early elementary school?

Nathan was quite taken with there being someone smaller than him.  He was excited to hold M.

And help feed her.

Josh also got a look-in, between track meets and piano recitals.

Also, this is what people did while not holding the baby.  It makes the phrase "passing the baby like a football" a lot more frightening.

Hannah, when not sabotaging other photos, got a chance too.

There are pictures of Alynn and Emily holding her, but they are on Alynn's camera, and she's holding them hostage.

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