Friday, March 8, 2013

Security Object

We are integrating the girls' bedtime routines, and it's working reasonably well.  We've added a section where Ellie gets a story read to her out on the couch before she goes into her bed, and Margaret goes to get a longer and more advanced story read to her in her bed.  We'll probably further integrate them as Ellie gets bigger, so watch this space.

One of the nice things about it, though, is that Margaret has been helping us read to Ellie, because she has some books that she heard over and over and over pretty much memorized.  It's only in the last 4 months -- maybe five -- that we have stopped reading her Goodnight Moon every time she got within 20 feet of her bed, so she's got a pretty good handle on the content.  It means that we can feed her a line, and she can give us the next one.  So she's been helping with Ellie's bedtime story and puffing up like she's so proud of herself because she is reading to Ellie.

It's going to be so amazing when she can actually read to Ellie.

Anyway, Ellie seems to be acquiring an attachment to the book as well.*

I feel we're doing something right, since both of our daughters want to take books to bed with them.

*Technically, Ellie's sleeping with a copy of The Runaway Bunny, because despite the fact that we own approximately eleventy billion copies of Goodnight Moon in board book, when I tried to find one because Ellie Would.  Not.  Give.  Up.  The.  Book. and I didn't want to leave her the papery one, there were none.  I think they've all gone to some conference for duplicate children's books, probably held in my basement.  But Ellie can't read yet, so I think we're okay.

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