Sunday, April 25, 2010

Thumb Update

So I realize that the state of M's thumbsucking endeavors is not exactly breaking news, but I figure that it makes for cute pictures, and so should be discussed.

She's making great strides forward.  She can now get some portion of her hand in her mouth on demand.

If she wants to, that is.

Because it's totally uncool to be excited.  Blase is our middle name* (sorry about the missing accent mark).

But when she wants her thumb, her hand is there.**

And sometimes both hands.

And sometimes both hands in an overwhelming fashion.

And sometimes the hand is there even when she doesn't need it.

But she's not an addict, not at all.  She can quit any time she wants.

Though this picture would argue - iconographically - otherwise. 

Explain that away, M.***

*No it isn't.

** We're working on getting the thumb out of the fist; trust me, when that happens, there will be pictures.

***Critics might argue that M can't really explain, as she's prelinguistic.  But they might further note that her lack of development also precludes her being responsible for the daft clothes her mother puts her in.  Were they to address the issue, they might argue that the monkey is on her butt, not her back, and addiction is rarely, if ever, described as a monkey on one's butt.  At least not by normal people.

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