Monday, April 16, 2012

Chasing the Smile

I think that Ellie is toying with me.

This morning, while Margaret and I were eating breakfast, Ellie was sitting in her bouncy chair beside me, so that I could give her a quick bounce if she was looking fractious. 

And she kept smiling at me, but then when I got the camera pointed at her, she mostly stopped and looked quizzical.  So I have lots of almost smiles and no real ones. 

Because she’s trying to drive me nuts.*





And she knows that she’s doing it.  See?


All right, who put her up to this?  She’s clearly got an accomplice.


Maybe I need to get out a little more. 

*I know, it’s not a drive, it’s a short putt.  You know, I hope that I too can achieve the sort of immortality my grandparents managed.  Because my maternal grandfather died years before I was born, but that doesn’t mean that his little pet phrases haven’t incorporated themselves into my psyche.  And actually, I kind of love the one about broccoli or cauliflower, or whatever vegetable you want: “I hate cauliflower, and I’m glad I hate it, because if I liked it, I’d eat it, and I hate it.”  See?  Brilliant.  As is “If we had some ham, we could have some ham and eggs, if we had some eggs.”

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