Sunday, April 15, 2012

Smarty Pants

Ellie rolled over this morning, which puts her 10 days ahead of Margaret.*

Not that we’re comparing them, since babies all do things at their own pace, but my experience of babies has been with Margaret, and I’ve got a wonderful record of milestones here in the blog, and so it’s easy to look things up and compare.  So I do, but without anything riding on it. 

Anyway, I think we can all agree that Ellie is a very clever baby to have rolled over, particularly since her tummy time has been somewhat limited by the presence of an affectionate and not very controlled older sister.

I think it’s the shirt.


Helen and Bruce gave this Stanford onesie to Margaret, and she promptly outgrew it, because she was that sort of child, but I pulled it out for Ellie this morning (she’s out of the 3 month clothes, because I’ve switched to cloth diapers, and the 3-month clothes won’t go over her butt anymore), and it clearly made her smart by its aura of intelligence and achievement.

On the other hand, perhaps she’s been learning lithe and dexterous movement from the cat, who likes hanging out in the same places she does.


At any rate, she’s learning from someone, and today we took an important step towards having to pick up all the small pieces of things that Margaret scatters over the house.  Oh goody.

And lest anyone feel that I am praising Ellie and not recognizing Margaret’s brilliance, here’s Margaret reading at the table.


And here she is reading The Lorax to Leo and Ellie.


*I think I’ve done the calculations properly – Ellie’s birthday is 3 days before Margaret’s, which means that the 15th of April to Ellie is the 18th of April to Margaret (at least in relative ages post-birth).  So if Margaret rolled over on the 28th of April, and Ellie rolled over on the 18th of April (adjusted), that is 10 days.**

**Unless we start trying to adjust by due dates and whatnot, because then Margaret should have been born on January 26th, and Ellie should have been born on February 3rd, and in that case, Ellie is rolling over even earlier compared to Margaret.  But how much earlier would involve more math than I care to do.

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